
13km walk..

Went for an .. extended.. walk, looking for discount ticket shops. Unfortunately, one shop was closed and another didn't have the discount JR Seishun 18 Kippu I was looking for. At least asking for directions was quite fun in Japanese ;-)

Hopefully I find shop that sells it tomorrow, or things get depressing (I have to pay bit more). Oh well. Studying seems still fun enough, we'll see if it's still fun 6 weeks from now.

I found today 中上級 日本語 (Chuujoukyuu Nihongo) book too, which I'll be using for my private lessons' grammar stuff, and I still use Intermediate Kanji Book 2 + G55 for the assorted kanji study. Another fun observation - I have yet to see queue in shops with more than 2 people - typically other salespeople man empty posts if more than 2 people are in row (compared to my home, where average is like 5 minutes.. :p)