Week went by fairly fast. Didn't have quite the time I could've wished for, but finally in the /album/ (for those who know where), there's some new picture sets. Didn't have time for much postprocession/selection of pictures, however :p
Been bouldering a bit (see picture below for idea about the indoor gym we go to), but my arms are still way too weak. Last week was mostly rain up to Friday, but Saturday-to-current-Monday was brilliant weather. Hardly a cloud in sight. See the Fuji images below for idea :-)
Now all I need is lot of luck that I will survive the good old "land of the free" and their terrorist profiling, considering I think I've been pulled aside last two times out of two visits done recently.

Also finally took a picture of the moon. I guess I need bigger lens if I want better picture than this: (click link to see original)

Been bouldering a bit (see picture below for idea about the indoor gym we go to), but my arms are still way too weak. Last week was mostly rain up to Friday, but Saturday-to-current-Monday was brilliant weather. Hardly a cloud in sight. See the Fuji images below for idea :-)
Now all I need is lot of luck that I will survive the good old "land of the free" and their terrorist profiling, considering I think I've been pulled aside last two times out of two visits done recently.

Bouldering gym

Fuji from Western Tokyo (90km?), with bit over 100mm-equivalent lens.

Fuji from Shinjuku (120km?), with 640mm-equivalent lens.
Also finally took a picture of the moon. I guess I need bigger lens if I want better picture than this: (click link to see original)

Full moon with 640mm-equivalent lens.
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