
Another weekend of hiking near Tanzawa

Hmmh. More recent update, *gasp*. Saturday, weather forecast looked horrible so bicycled around the town (went to Koganei park and back, about 40km), and then 15 minutes after reaching home horrible rain started. Good timing :)

Sunday, climbed once more on peaks of Tanzawa mountain. Visited the remaining three bigger ones (including the tallest, Hirugatake). Pictures about that coming up sooner or later.. It was quite relaxing hike, as shown from the data below:

Today's picture theme is: beauty in the city ;)

Cityscape of Shinjuku close to sunset about month ago

Girl posing for fellow photographer (not me) in Harajuku park 3 weeks? ago


Delays keep getting longer and longer ;)

Strangely enough, I actually seem to have bunch of pictures to post, but haven't felt very motivated to do the conversion to good web format (I shoot RAW with my camera, and it takes some time to get presentable results). Today I bought Pixmantec's RawShooter Premium license, though, so maybe things will improve.

What happened in last two weeks?

Went bicycling 5.5., but was bit tired so not long trip. The end of golden week (6.5.-7.5.) was spent moping indoors, due to very bad weather (it rained quite a lot then). Did some small-scale shopping.

Last week, worked relatively hard from Monday to Thursday (played Go one evening, besides that mostly just work) so took that Friday off and bicycled to Ome and back (about 100km round trip). It was quite fun project, although I did not for some reason feel motivated to drive very rapidly, so the speed score sucked, so to speak. Last weekend continued with idle on Saturday, and then finally, mountain climbing expedition on Sunday with my boss.

Climbed to second highest peak of Tanazawa mountain (about 1560 meters from sea level), and considering we started from sea level or fairly close to it (200-300m or so), it was fairly rough :)

Got bunch of interesting pictures from that too though, and here's two just to prove the point (A lot more coming up once I get up to speed with the RawShooter - I have already bit over 400 pictures from this trip to Japan, so should have enough material to post for a while).

Random view from top of one of the summits.

Deer on top of one of the lower peaks of Tanazawa mountain.


Random pictures

I don't know why I post pictures after the main text, but I do.. here we go: (from now on probably posting image or two every few days even if not motivated, I have quite large backlog)

Latest setup (Company IBM laptop on the left, Eizo 24" + my small laptop by the window).

Acer AL2416WD - nice design, very bad electronics. I had to drag it home twice and finally gave up.

This beats even my GPS+Polar heart rate monitor handlebar!

Finally end to spending?

Again 1.5 weeks since last entry. What happened since the previous, roughly.

- got table, few chairs, and some other interior decorations (standing lamp, curtains)
- decided to buy cheap Acer 24" TFT display, none in stock
- got it week afterward
- it was broken, dragged it back to store
- got new one, it broke after two days, dragged it back to store
- got frustrated, bought Eizo S2410W-R (= about state-of-the-art as far as 24" displays go)
- went shopping for speakers with 100-240v power (so I can use them back home too). very, very frustrating experience, finally the only model one very friendly salesguy at Yodobashi Camera found for me was "Harman & Kardon Soundsticks 2", which supposedly was 100-240v according to webpage. I was quite frustrated to note that on the box it said '100v japan only model', but when the salesguy opened the box, the power supply was 100-240v. Life IS strange sometimes.

What else:
- Last Friday, 28.4. (day off, first day of the golden week 4 holiday set), was day when EVERYTHING went wrong - starting from breaking both valves on my Cannondale's tubes, going through asphalt jungle bicycle tour, and finally the 2x Acer-swapping noted above

- Last Saturday, went to Sony's Leonardi Da Vinci exhibition (free), quite interesting - also tried to find used camera stores in Ginza, less successfully. Then I shopped some bicycling gear (standing pump, few inner tubes) and went home to repair the tubes on the bicycle. After that, I got bored and actually went to bar called Xanadu in Shibuya(!), mostly to remember the times I went to same bar with some colleagues (hi, Ville! ;>). Although I had interesting discussion with locals, I found it rather dull overall and not to my liking (I guess going to bars alone is not really productive), so after massive 2(!) beers I wandered back home to Shinjuku. Had some noodles in a street stall, quite interesting experience in middle of skyscrapers.

- Last Sunday, did my first longer bicycle trip, which was surprisingly enjoyable; bicycled 42km, maybe 3-4km of it in parks, 5km on little used roads and the rest on basic 4-lane highway with low speed limit (50km/h). After that, went to eat and shop in Harajuku, and actually finally found something to eat. However, forgot to shop due to photography opportunities afforded by the locals, so went shopping only after sundown. Met interesting guy, who had been photographing the people there for 20 years, and after suitable "wow, your camera is nice.." "so is yours.." I got to see bunch of his quite good pictures, and watch him at work. He was quite familiar with the girls he took pictures of. Well after sundown, I wandered to Shibuya (by walking from Harajuku), and shopped for bicycle bag, bicycle carrying bag and some other stuff (GPS mount at least).

Monday and Tuesday I worked, little to speak of except getting the Eizo+speakers on Tuesday evening and finally being happy with my little IT hardware set back home.

Wednesday was my major bicycling exhibition, ironically enough it took for me to get to the place where I started bicycling about 3 hours (bicycle to train station, pack bicycle, 2 hours on train, unpack bicycle) and only about 5 hours to return by bicycle. In the end, the distance travelled was 92.2km with average moving speed of about 25km/h (I had break or two, and of course bunch of traffic lights).

Today was my day of rest - just went to play Go in Nihon Ki-in, and after that went to look for books - Blue Parrot store in Takadanobaba was bit of a disappointment (fiction and science fiction mixed, could not be bothered to go through all of them), but I found some more Hikaru no Go mangas in Book-off near home.

Today's most impolite experience by far was in a random upscale restaurant I went to - the waiter asked how many people, I said one, and the waiter said 'sorry, no one-man tables'. *GNNN*